4 Gauge Pre Workout Supplement
Whether you are a bodybuilder hoping to grow bigger and stronger, a runner wanting to increase your speed, or a fighter with a desire to be top of your game, you will need to train hard.
The problem is many people find it difficult to find the energy needed to maintain the necessary intensity. It’s a common problem.
Energy boosting pre-workout supplements would appear to offer the answer, but most of them only provide limited benefits and many don’t work at all. The worst thing is such supplements are often sold alongside the promise that they are “The best pre-workout supplement”. 4 Gauge falls into this category.
The manufacturer claims it’s “the safest and strongest pre-workout on the market” and it’s marketed with a lot of hype. Not surprisingly, we were very sceptical at first, but when we took a closer look at the ingredients, and read all the positive things past customers have to say, we couldn’t help but be impressed.
4 Gauge pre workout is available to but from the official website only. Shipping is to all countries.
What Makes 4 Gauge Different From Other Pre-Workout Supplements?
The main thing that stands out about the product is the fact that so many people are saying it works. The other thing worth mentioning is 4 Gauge is a powder that has to be mixed with liquid and consumed as a drink. Pre-workout pills are becoming more popular these days, but powder-type supplements are not uncommon.
The other unusual thing about 4 Gauge is the clever way it’s marketed. Even if you are not a shooting enthusiast you will probably be aware a “4 gauge” is a type of shotgun. With its 100mm barrel, it’s the most powerful shotgun available in Britain.
Roar Ambition pack their “gun” powder inside tubs that resemble large shotgun cartridges and the black print is added to the tub in a way that really helps bring the effect to life. Their reason for doing this? “When it comes to shotguns, you won’t find anything bigger or badder than a 4 Gauge shell – now the same rule applies to pre workouts.”
Advertised Results
- Improved stamina
- Incredible energy
- Laser-like mental focus
- Faster progress
- More muscle growth, strength, and endurance.
- Amazing workouts
- Massive strength gains
- A leaner, head-turning physique
[info]How to Use – Make the pre-workout drink by combining two scoops of 4 Gauge with some water or juice (300 – 350ml). Most people appear to love the “fruit punch” flavour, so water should be fine, but Roar ambition does not offer other flavour choices, so some juice may provide the taste buds with a little variety if the powder is being used for the long term.
The back of the tub states the best time to consume the drink is 20 to 30 minutes before training, but the official website states some people may feel the extra energy kicking in after only 15 minutes, while others may need to wait up to 45 minutes.
After six to eight weeks of use, supplementation should be ceased for seven days.[/info]
Key Ingredients
Two scoops (14g) provides:
- L-Citrulline Dl-Malate (6000mg)
- Red Beetroot Extract (300mg)
- Creatine Monohydrate (1000mg)
- Acetyl L-Carnitine (500mg)
- Caffeine Anhydrous (150mg)
- L-Theanine (200mg)
- Rhodiola Rosea (Root) Powder (100mg)
- Coconut Water Powder (300mg)
4 Gauge Formula
4 Gauge contains some very powerful ingredients. There is no dead weight and we cannot fault any of the choices Roar Ambition has made.
L-Citrulline Dl-Malate and red beetroot are both highly respected nitrogen boosters that have the ability to improve vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels). Vasodilation lowers the blood pressure (good for the heart) and improves the circulation, allowing the blood to feed the muscles with extra nutrients and oxygen. It also helps purge the muscles of lactic acid and other chemicals that are produced while exercising and can hinder performance.
Caffeine and L-Theanine are both stimulants that can boost mental focus and deliver a good energy rush. When they are combined they form a kind of “smart caffeine” that is well tolerated and does not cause jitters or other caffeine-related side effects.
Unless you are new to the world of supplements, or have been hiding under a stone for the past decade or more, you will probably be aware creatine is excellent for improving training ability and enhancing muscle growth and repair. In fact, some athletes use creatine as stand-alone training aid. It’s good stuff.
Acetyl L-Carnitine is also good for preventing energy burnouts during training and research shows it speeds up muscle tissue repair. Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen herb with proven endurance boosting capabilities and Coconut Water is so good for revitalising the body and mind it is often said to be a better choice than energy drinks.
4 Gauge Customer Feedback And Comments
A few average customer testimonials read:
[plain]”Nice tasting drink. It mixes will and goes down a treat. I usually start to feel an energy rush within 15 minutes of drinking, but I have buddies who need to wait a little longer. Once it does kick in you can train a lot harder, so your strength and size start to improve quite fast.”[/plain]
[plain]”I used 4 Gauge while I was prepping for the London Marathon. It really helped me a lot. I’ve done the marathon every year since it first began in 1981. This year I completed the run 20 minutes faster than last year and was only 5 minutes slower than I was in 1981, so I’m felling pretty chuffed.”[/plain]
[plain]”The weight are going up every week and my guns, glutes, and pecs are shaping up nicely. This is a bloody good sup.” [/plain]
[plain]”After an 8 hour stint at work (I’m a wagon fitter) I used to feel pretty tired by the time I made it to the gym, and wasn’t making any noticeable progress. To be honest, I only bought 4 Gauge because I liked the bottle, but it turned out to be a game changer. I’m getting stronger every week and my kid’s happy too because the bottle makes a really cool place to keep his marbles.”[/plain]
4 Gauge Side Effects and Other Considerations
4 Gauge is manufactured in FDA and GMP approved facilities, so it’s a quality product right from the start and there is no need to worry about undisclosed ingredients or dangerous chemicals. No side effects have been reported, but the supplement is not intended for women who are pregnant or nursing a child. People who have existing health issues are advised to ask a doctor’s advice before they begin using dietary supplements of any kind. Individuals who are taking medication would be wise to do the same.
Final Conclusion
We are happy to recommend 4 Gauge. The combined abilities of the ingredients used in the blend should ensure the product provides all the benefits Roar Ambition promise. Customer feedback also shows the product is capable of delivering the goods. As far as pre-workout supplements go, 4 Gauge is likely to remain the one to beat for a long time.
4 Gauge Product Pricing And Where To Buy
4 Gauge is manufactured by Roar Ambition. The company is based in the Britain and all sales transactions are handled via the official 4 Gauge website. If you see the product for sale elsewhere it is probably a counterfeit item.
A tub of 4 Gauge costs AU$60. Customers who choose to buy three tubs at once only pay $30 for tub no.3.