Trimplex Elite – Good and Bad Points
Trimplex Elite is a weight loss supplement with a checkered past.
Although the product contains a couple of good ingredients, a lot of past customers say it let them down.
There are also allegations that indicate the use of an autoship scam.
According to the registration details, the official website was created in March 2013, but when we visited the site for the purposes of this review (May 2017) we discovered it was no longer active.
This could have been due to a server error or other technical glitch, but we attempted to access the site several times over a three-week period and the site was absent on every visit, so it is possible the product has been discontinued.
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Alleged Benefits
- Speeds up the metabolism without stimulants
- Provides powerful appetite suppression
- Accelerates fat burning
- Boosts energy levels
Key Ingredients
A full ingredient profile is not available, but the key ingredients are raspberry ketone and green coffee bean extract.
Blend Potential
Trimplex Elite is designed to suppress the appetite, speed up the metabolism, encourage fat burning, and boost energy levels.
Neither of the two disclosed ingredients are likely to provide the intended energy boost, but raspberry ketone and green coffee bean extract are both capable of speeding up the metabolism and encouraging the body to burn some of its stores of fat.
Raspberry ketone is also highly praised for its appetite suppressing abilities, so the key ingredients would seem to be capable of providing dieters with most of the benefits promised in the Trimplex Elite sales blurb.
However, good results will require an adequate inclusion rate and the weight and ratios used here are not available.
[info]How to Use – The first pill of the day is taken before breakfast. The second one before dinner.[/info]
Trimplex Elite Customer Feedback
Some average customer reviews read:
[plain]”These pills are fabuloso. I lost 1.5 kilos in the first 3 weeks and never felt hungry at all.” [/plain]
[plain]”I took the pills in the right way every day, but I never lost any weight at all and I still felt just as hungry as ever.”[/plain]
[plain]”I’ve been let down by a lot of diet pills. Trimplex Elite is not one of them. I lost 5kg before I was even half way through the first bottle.”[/plain]
[plain]”These pills don’t work and they cost the earth. Don’t believe all that crap about the free trial. That’s just to get your credit card details. They kept on sending me pills and hit my card multiple times. The only way I could stop it was by canceling my card.” [/plain]
Trimplex Elite Side Effects
A complete ingredient profile is not provided, so it is impossible to predict what kind of negative issues (if any) the use of this product may entail. All potential users should err on the side of safety and get a doctor’s approval prior to trying to lose weight faster with Trimplex Elite.
The Final Evaluation
Trimplex Elite was a difficult diet pill to review because the lack of an active website meant we had to do extensive research in order to discover the important details such as how to use the product and what ingredients it contained.
Finding reliable sources of customer feedback was also a chore. However, the product does have something going for it in as much as it contains a couple of good weight loss ingredients. It’s just a pity the people marketing the product never saw fit to provide any inclusion rates or mention what (if any) other ingredients are involved.
Bearing in mind the lack of a money back guarantee and the sparse level of information available for this product, it is doubtful we could be swayed to recommend it.
If you live in France, you could give it a go and then try and get a refund via the Amazon returns policy if you feel the product is not worth the money. But by far the best thing to do would be to buy a better alternative instead.
Trimplex Elite Buying Options
The official website is no longer functioning, but people living in France can get hold of the product by visiting Amazon. It’s packaged with a detox pill though and, at €100 (USD$ 112), it’s not a particularly cheap way to lose weight.