WoohSlim – What Is It And How Does It Work?
WoohSlim is a diet pill that supposedly has the ability to help people to lose a lot of weight without the need for diet or exercise.
The company behind the product appears to be mostly targeting people who live in Malaysia, but we found what appears to be an official site that seems to be intended for people based in Europe. At the time of this review, it was not possible to purchase any pills directly from the site.
It’s possible this may be an option that is added at a later date, but we feel it’s far more likely that the site has been created because the pills are marketed alongside a claim that the manufacturing process is carried out in Switzerland.
Swiss companies are known to produce products to a high quality standard, so the claim that the pills are made in Switzerland is likely to make the product appear to have added integrity and help it to stand out from the rest of the cheap and questionable diet pill options available to people living in Malaysia and other Asian countries.
Who Makes WoohSlim?
It’s hard to be certain who makes this product or where it comes from, but one Malaysian site selling the product links it to a Hong-Kong-based company called DODOCO Biotechnology. Records available online show the company was founded in July 2016. The domain used for the official WoohSlim website was purchased and registered two months later by an individual based in China.
Alleged Benefits
- The No.1 most effective weight loss formula in Malaysia
- Lose 4-8kg during in the first 10-20 days
- No dieting or exercise required
- The most effective and safest weight loss program
- More than 8,000 Malaysians have already lost weight with WoohSlim
How WoohSlim is Designed to Work
Some diet pills assist weight loss by providing appetite suppression. Others offer additional benefits, such as boosted metabolism and/or improved fat burning abilities.
Most diet pills offer a combination of benefits, but the way WoohSlim is intended to work is not explained.
Customers are merely told to expect weight loss, they are not told how the promised drop in poundage will be achieved.
Key Ingredients
The official website does not provide any ingredient information and most of the sites that are actively selling the product are just as bad. However, a few sites state the formulation consists of a blend of 10 Chinese herbs backed up by an undisclosed quantity of green tea.
Blend Potential
Green tea is a proven fat burner so, if WoohSlim really does contain some green tea, and it isn’t hindered by an overly low inclusion rate, it’s possible the pills may have the potential to help people to drop a few extra pounds (when used alongside diet and exercise).
Unfortunately, the pills contain 10 undisclosed ingredients and it is possible their potential to cause harm may exceed their potential to do good. It is also possible the unlisted ingredients will do nothing at all.
[info]How to Use WoohSlim – The official website does not state how the pills should be used. Other sites that are marketing the product are equally lacking in information.[/info]
Woohslim Customer Testimonials
We were unable to find a credible source of customer reviews. Some Malaysian sites that are selling the product show a few before and after pictures, but the face of the individuals concerned is invariably hidden and it’s quite possible the individual posing for the “before” picture is not the same person used for the “after”.
Potential WoohSlim Side Effects
It’s not possible to predict what kind of side effect users of this product may be subjected to (if any), or how bad they are likely to be, because there is no way to find out what the formulation contains.
Pricing and Availability
Interested parties cannot buy WoohSlim from the WoohSlim website, but it’s available in many Malaysian online stores and the cost is generally RM 338.64 (USD$ 80) per pot. It’s unclear how many pills a pot contains or how long it is likely to last but, if the price is for a 30-day supply, this is not a cheap diet pill to buy.
WoohSlim does not appear to be backed by a money back guarantee.
The Final Judgment
Unless you want to buy the product via a Malaysian supplier and pay additional import taxes, WoohSlim is going to be a pretty hard product to get hold of and it’s also an overly expensive one.
We do not believe the claim that WoohSlim is “no.1” in Malaysia and, even if it’s true, the price if far too high. PhenQ is the no.1 diet pill in the world and the cost per pot is nearly half what customers are expected to pay for WoohSlim.
All the ingredients used in the PhenQ formulation are stated, customer reviews are plentiful, and it comes with a 60-day manufacturers guarantee. Most important of all, PhenQ is known to be safe to use. It beats WoohSlim right across the board.