Forskolin 125 125mg from Evolution Slimming – Now available in Australia
Forskolin is an extract taken from the roots of the plant Coleus forskohlii.
A member of the mint family, it has a long history of use in traditional herbal remedies and is also used in modern medicine to treat a variety of ailments, ranging from period pains to glaucoma, and researchers are currently exploring its potential as an ally in the fight against cancer.
Forskolin is also a common inclusion in bodybuilding supplements and slimming products due to its reputation for initiating fat burning and encouraging the growth of lean muscle mass.
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Forskolin as a Fat Burner
Forskolin stimulates the production of an enzyme called adenylate cyclase which then produces increased amounts of the cellular messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP). It is this ability that provides forskolin with much of its medicinal value. Raised levels of cAMP can lower the blood pressure, reduce pressure levels in the eyes, and restrict platelet aggregations in the blood (anticoagulant).
It also stimulates the thyroid gland, causing it to secrete increased amounts of hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate the human body’s metabolic rate, and the way it uses energy, so upping the levels of these valuable hormones is an effective way of triggering the fat burning process.
Increased amounts of cAMP also stimulate testosterone production. Ask any bodybuilding enthusiast about testosterone and they will likely tell you it encourages the growth of lean muscle tissue. That’s true enough and science has proven muscle tissue burns calories more efficiently than fatty tissue; so as the body becomes leaner it becomes capable of burning an increased amount of calories—with obvious benefits.
Scientific Studies
The fat burning power of forskolin has been the subject of a number of scientific studies. In 2002 Nutraceuticals published the results of one such study, conducted at an outpatient bariatric clinic in South Carolina. Six female volunteers, who were overweight but had no additional health issues, were each given a bottle of forskolin capsules (250mg) and instructed to consume two capsules each day. The first capsule was to be taken in the morning.
The second on the evening, half an hour before eating. The women made no alterations to their usual levels of exercise or dietary habits, but after eight weeks of supplementation the researchers recorded an increase in lean body mass and a mean weight loss of just over 9lbs.
[info]The results of a second notable study appeared in Obesity Research (August 2005). This time the study was conducted on male volunteers. Researchers at the University of Kansas split the volunteers into two groups of 15. The first group was given a placebo twice a day. The second group received two (250mg) doses of forskolin. After 12 weeks the researchers concluded forskolin supplementation had resulted in several benefits:[/info]
- Body fat was significantly reduced
- Fat mass percentage was also significantly reduced
- Serum free testosterone levels had increased
Forskolin125 in the Media
Although forskolin has been used in bodybuilding supplements for quite some time weigh loss supplement manufacturers largely ignored the ingredient until the American TV show presenter Dr. Mehmet Oz endorsed the ingredient’s benefits, stating ‘it works like a furnace in your body’. A guest weight loss expert backed him up, stating the ingredient had doubled the weight loss of some of her clients and promised: “If your metabolism is sleeping, forskolin is gonna wake it up.” Many supplement manufacturers have since woken up to forskolin’s potential and dieters can now take their pick of forskolin supplements, but some manufacturers fail to fully harness the power of the ingredient so potential forskolin users are advised to be a little choosy and pick a supplement produced by a credible manufacturer.
Other Considerations
Forskolin is a versatile ingredient that offers many health benefits, but there may be interaction issues if its use is combined with prescription medications. Some of its other abilities such as the changes it can produce in blood pressure and clotting capabilities may make forskolin supplements an unsuitable choice for people who have existing health issues. It’s a good ingredient and most people should be able to enjoy its benefits without issue, but anyone who has any existing or suspected health problems should check with a medical practitioner before commencing supplementation, as should pregnant or nursing mothers.
In Conclusion
Dr. Oz may have got a little carried away when he compared the fat burning powers of forskolin to a fire raging inside the body, but given his line of work a certain dramatic flair is only to be expected and, dramatics aside, the available evidence suggests forskolin supplementation can produce some very credible weight loss results. In fact, the ingredient is probably one of best fat burners available so potential forskolin users of a nervous disposition should not be put off by any fears of spontaneous human combustion that may have been brought on from Oz’ overly-eager endorsement. Less nervous dieters who have already been burned several times before when purchasing supplements, and watched their money go up in smoke when the promised results were not forthcoming, can also lay their fears aside—this one works.
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Where To Buy Forskolin125 In Australia
Available to buy directly from the Evolution Slimming website – all orders are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee.
Evolution Slimming ship to all countries including including Australia – AUS$ can also be chosen a preferred currency
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