Synedrex Thermogenic Fat Burner
One of the biggest problems with taking weight loss supplements and diet tablets that promise high levels of energy is the way they make you feel which can included lightheadedness, dizziness, the shakes, an elevated heart rate and also headaches and depression.
Synedrex is the one tablet a day energy boosting diet supplement that claims to use thermogenesis to boost your metabolism, burn fat and give you the energy of an athlete.
However there is a lot of controversy about the lack of information about the manufacturer and the muted whispers of dangerous side effects. Is Synedrex all it is cracked up to be?
What is Synedrex
The ingredients list looks familiar – all kinds of vitamins and minerals, until you read the main component – Synedrex Physician Formulated Weight Loss Solution Proprietary Blend.
But what’s in it? It is impossible to find out. It is trademarked and no doubt patented but what makes up the blend is a mystery. Other more recognisable ingredients include the following:
Methylxanthide is a form of caffeine. It’s a natural stimulant that claims to be able to significantly increase mental focus, boost energy levels and stimulate the central nervous system to burn fat cells faster. By effectively being able to remove fat cells from the subcutaneous tissue itself and metabolise it, breaking it down and burning it off as calories, this stimulant claims to have a powerful effect on stubborn, hard to lose fat deposits in areas like the hips and thighs.
Synephrine is just another fancy name for the supplement Bitter Orange, which has received mixed and sometimes controversial reviews about its weight loss activating claims.
Bitter Orange is also a stimulant, and works together with Methylxanthide, helping to boost the metabolic rate to its peak to burn fat around the clock.
The controversy surrounding Synephrine is that it is dangerous, putting pressure on the cardio vascular system and not properly taking care of the heart. There isn’t much research or information available on the extract – add that to a number of negative reviews and it is making people nervous already.
Green Tea Extract is another stimulant which would explain the claims for the high energy levels. But Green Tea Extract is also known for its powerful anti-oxidant properties and could help with detoxifying the liver and lymphatic system on its own, making you feel energised and less lethargic.
It is completely natural and compared to the other two ingredients there is plenty of research and information about this ingredient.
Most worrying is the quantity of caffeine which can result in all kinds of side effects and also, the pill contains 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, a substance now banned by the FDA. (Producers and retailers can sell existing stocks but the manufacture of new product is banned).
How does it work?
Basically, Synedrex works by zapping the appetite and boosting energy levels, making you want to move more and be more active, which is cleverly helping you achieve your weight loss goals in the meantime. The process of thermogenics is when the inner body temperature of the body rises, causing the metabolism to literally fire up and burn fat and calories, Synedrex claims to be able to have a direct effect on the body’s thermogenic process.
It also says it is able to block carbohydrates – the evil diet sin as touted by the diet industry for years – so you could presumably have your cake and eat it when you use Synedrex.
Are there any side effects when using Synedrex?
Well according to many users, there are plenty of side effects. Clinical trials have shown that not only are the key ingredients bad for you, it is also noted that it is dangerous enough to cause heart failure and the like.
There is much controversy around the high blood pressure levels people have experienced when taking Synedrex, which further compounds claims of danger to the heart. Headaches, nausea, night sweats, shortness of breath, insomnia and blackouts have also been recorded as side effects. Just too much smoke for there not to be fire, as far as we are concerned.
Is Synedrex the real deal?
Something tells us with the amount of side effects this product appears to have, that a doctor should be prescribing stuff like this, which would make us very reluctant to try it at all. Regardless of its fantastic weight loss claims – what would the real cost be for a slimmer figure?
Is Synedrex right for you?
Probably not – Synedrex hasn’t provided enough solid information about its ingredients or its manufacturer, so our confidence levels are almost zero. People like to know what they are taking is safe, Synedrex, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to fall into that category.
Where To Buy Synedrex
Can be purchased from the official website – this should be not be too hard to find if you are hellbent on using it.
Recommended Alternative
There are many fat burners that can be given preference to Synedrex, our recommendations are commuted down to a handful.
Perhaps the pick of the bunch is PhenQ – a fat burner and appetite suppressant that has many satisfied customers.
PhenQis legal alternative to phentermine (a powerful weight loss drug) – PhenQ is not drug class but natural and has been formulated in FDA registered laboratories.