Appexit Review
After the recent deluge of newly introduced fat burners it appears that the appetite suppressant is making a comeback.
The appetite suppressant along with fat burners and fat binders seem to be the holy trinity as far commercial diet pills are concerned.
Appexit is a recent addition to the appetite suppressant category and has some pretty decent competition especially considering the two chief ingredients deployed by the manufacturers, namely Glucomannan and Chromium Picolinate.
How Does Appexit Work
As touched upon briefly, it is an appetite suppressant that helps to reduce the feelings of hunger, resist the temptation of snacking between meals and also helps with portion control.
Suppressing the appetite and restricting calorie consumption is considered by many the most effective method of medium to long term permanent weight loss.
An ideal daily calorie intake for a women is around 1800-2200, with 2200 to 2600 for a man. Keep within these boundaries and your bathroom scales will make for goof viewing.
The two key ingredients that Appexit utilises are:
- Glucomannan – a fiber that іs essential fоr maintaining а healthy digestive system аnd keeping cholesterol levels іn check, аnd Glucomannan іs оnе оf thе mоst popular fibers available. Thіs essential ingredient cаn combines wіth water tо create а gelatinous substance іn your stomach, sо yоu cаn fееl full wіthоut thе extra calories.
- Chromax: A patented form оf Chromium Picolinate, thіs natural ingredient cаn enhance your body’s ability tо metabolize fats аnd carbohydrates. Chromium іs especially useful fоr regulating аnd stabilizing blood glucose, making іt an effective supplement fоr reducing cholesterol.
Appexit Side Effects
The formula is completely natural and is not likely to pose a health risk provided the manufacturers usage instruction are adhered to.
Anyone with an existing health condition should consult their doctor prior to usage.
Does Appexit Work – Is It Recommended
Although the two key ingredients are effective appetite suppressants, this combination does not exactly scream (nor whisper) potency – it lacks strength and can be overlooked especially considering the competition.
Where To Buy Appexit In Australia
Purchases can be made from the official website.
Looking Elsewhere
Australia often looks to the UK and the US, particularly the UK. Diet products that make an impact in Britain almost always do well in Australia.
If you are tempted by Appexit then be very tempted by Nuratrim. Nuratrim contains Glucomannan, the more effective of the two Appexit ingredients plus capsicum, green coffee and licorice.
Nuratrim allegedly has a high profile celebrity
More about Nuratrim